Monday, January 21, 2008

Just for fun- something Mac

Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple Corporation, loves to give a presentation about twice a year to "wow" us with the latest Apple products. These keynote addresses are usually over an hour and Mr. Jobs really gets wrapped up in them. Just for fun- a fellow at edited down his latest 90-minute presentation to 60 seconds- giving us just the essentials.

Check it out at this link that my brother sent me. They have a little fun at his expense- especially concerning his choice and over-use of adjectives. Maybe if he cut our all of the adjectives it would only be 60 seconds long.

I was considering the idea of finally buying an iPod- maybe in the next year or two, or wait until the iPhone's capacity gets a little bigger, the price comes WAY down, and it's available for the Verizon network. Well, this may mean that it'll be 4-5 years before I get an iPod- or never. :) Maybe when I get a car new enough to have an MP3 plug-in or iPod connector.

Okay- gotta get to work on my tile- then go start up the snowblower once the flakes stop falling. It's beautiful outside!


highdeekay said...

Phil would be so proud if you got an iPod. (heck, he'd be proud if I got one!)

BamDaddy said...

Hold out for the iPhone. Although I do use my iPod differently than I used to. Now I just listen to podcasts. There are some great LDS ones, and also NPR. Let me know as soon as Verizon makes the iPhone available.