Wednesday, May 21, 2008

I have a Fairy Blogmother!

When I started this post, I thought that my idea of using the term, "fairy blogmother," was unique.

But alas, I googled it and was disappointed to find almost 7,000 hits.


In a month of bloglessness...
My Fairy Blogmother did appear!
I did not know that I even had one
Or that she was so near...

Hovering over one starry night,
Her comment came via e-mail:
"Now Loren, dear, get on the ball!
Your blog is old and stale!"

Blogging requires posts that are fresh!
Each week maybe two or three-
Nearly a month has passed, and still it sits-
Neglected- shame on thee!

Update your blog! Post new thoughts!
Put that mouse and fingers to work!
The blogging life is not for the weak-
it's a duty that you cannot shirk.

Dear Bamamoma,
Thanks for the reminder to keep my blog current. I am also honored that you'd bother to read it between diaper changes. I can't promise that I'll do better, but maybe this exercise in commitment will be good for me... :) I have a thing or two to learn about blogging...

(Author's note: The fairy godmother pictured above in no way represents any person currently living.)


highdeekay said...

So you are saying that it is just coincidental that that chubby old lady looks like me? Rude!


Nice poem - I'm the one who is honored.

Monica Sue said...

very clever! love the idea of a fairy blogmother.

i find it interesting that sometimes we feel the need to apologize for not posting. but i believe there are times when we just can't express publicly what we are doing, feeling, or going through. so we take some time off. it's all good.

i always find your postings very clever though, and do enjoy your perspective on topics....except i have no attention span for politics.