Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Tai Pan Trading Co., also known as...

Today I went to visit Tai Pan Trading for the first time- a Utah store that sells a variety of home decor items. I had been warned by my brother that it was the place that had "everything you never needed," but when I texted him to ask if I should go there to find planters and pots for plants, he replied, "oh yes." So, after work today and on my way to look at planters at Lowe's (Home Improvement), I decided to make a quick visit. I had a few plants that are getting too big for their britches.

To cut a long story short (yes, you can thank your lucky stars today- this post will be shortER), I didn't get lost, but it was difficult shopping. Everything is in general 'areas' and you have to just meander through it all, hoping you're going to find another display of what you're looking for, or wondering if you're entering another area, or if you've seen everything that particular area in which you were hoping to find something.

Okay- I confess, I found a few long planters I liked- and I bought them. But I found them the second time I meandered back through the pottery area, or areas. Without the normal aisles and rows I just followed the outer wall, for fear I'd get lost and locked up inside the store when everyone went home for the night. I knew when I was getting close when I once again approached the stoneware and plastic food displays- one of which is a bowl of plastic chocolate-dipped strawberries. I thought that the strawberries were there to show off the dishes, but no, they sell those too.

In conclusion, I think that that the store needs to change it's name. What would be an appropriate name? The "Pre-D.I." For those of you who don't know what the D.I. is, it is a local thrift store, more commonly called by its initials rather than its name, the Deseret Industries. At Tai Pan you'll find the common items normally encountered at garage sales and thrift stores. So, if you want something from Tai Pan Trading, just visit a neighborhood garage sale IN A FEW YEARS and you'll find EVERYTHING they bought at Tai Pan Trading THIS WEEK- and you'll get it at a fraction of the price!


Anonymous said...

I LOVE TaiPan Trading Co!
Next to Wal*Mart, They have the world's largest selection of STUFF! But everything at TaiPan is non life-sustaining yet you can't get enough!
A perfect plethora of plastic pastries and fruit,
Baskets, vases, bowls, and statues –SO cute!
The endless array of faux flora and fauna will make you a bonified Martha Stewart prima donna!
Pre-assembled crafts and McMansion wall-hangings and paraphernalia. Shiny, aged, copper-patina whoknowsits and whatsits all made in China.
It comes in all colors, all shapes and all sizes.
Each glance yields more 'didn't-know-I-needed' surprises!
More and more and more and more, this endless cycle of consumer glut-decor galore!
It's just like walking into a landfill but it's all indoor!
I highly recommend watching

Monica Sue said...

hilarious. i think it would have been fun just to watch you get lost amongst all the stuff you didn't need. yet you still came away with more than you had planned on buying. yup. the store worked its magic on you, too.

scoobysteven said...

I guess I just did not feel its "magic". Their stuff kind of reminds me of the stuff stored in the boxes in my basement. The stuff I need to take to Goodwill.

GordMueller said...

We've never been into over-decorating, but I have to say that everything we ever purchased from TaiPan Trading over the years (since they had their little store in Murray) has been high quality at a great price and of lasting beauty and value. So far none of it has gone to the D I. Understated and tasteful definitely works here!

Anonymous said...

I have been an occasional shopper at Tai pan trading for many years, but today I think has ended my shopping there. Have you noticed the customer service? Is anyone happy to work there? I usually will request one of the managers assistance "Jylee". She is one of the few that will find the time when she doesn't have it. Jylee is a reason I will endure the rudeness of the others. Malia is another employee I would like to praise. I recently have learned Jylee has been laid off ? Anyone know where to find her, I would love to have her work in my stores ?
So my visit today was rudeness again and signs of no intelligence.

Good Luck